Sunday, November 4, 2012

Vacation Diaries, Part Two

Friday, at long last, was Nick and Ai's Birthday party. even though I meant to get up early, I wound up sleeping late again. I suppose it's fine - I needed to catch up on sleep. So I finally got up, and got a ride to the train stop. Unfortunately, I missed a couple express trains, so I wound up getting to Doshisha late. I hung around, waiting for Nick & Co. to get out of class. At last, I found them eating lunch in the cafe. Nick really sucks at checking his text messages. Really, the worst.

We split up into a few groups after we ate - Nick had to go home, Tina had to meet up with someone, and so Dani and I decided to buy the 'refreshments' for the evenings entertainment. With promises of paradise, I followed Dani down Imadegawa-dori, chatting all the while. Many laughs were had, I can tell you that much. I won't tell you why though ^O^

However, when we had walked for 40 minutes without finding the store, I got suspicious that someone wasn't sure where we were going. We asked a few passersby, but nobody know where it was. So we called Nick, and had him google maps it for us. It turns out we had gone way too far on Imadegawa, and so we turned and walked for another 20 minutes.

Liquor Mountain is a large shop right next to a shrine. It was also every bit of the paradise I was promised. They had almost anything you could want. Massive bottles of sake for under 1000 yen, and my beloved Kahlua in real, full sized bottles (combini here have the audacity to charge 700+yen for less than a shot of the stuff). We selected a number of bottles, which ran way less than I thought it would have. We packed them safely in our bags, and schlepped our way to Sanjo dori.

Despite our lateness, we weren't the last ones there. We chatted in the lobby for a bit, and once the majority of the group arrived, we headed into the room. Seeing as we had stealthed in our own booze (which is totally prohibited), we hid everything under the table as we picked our songs and mixed our drinks. Since it was nicks 21st, I was determined to get him drunk. I gave him double, triple, and quintuple shot mixed drinks, but nothing seemed to faze him. Ah, and having real Kahlua based drinks (as opposed to that crap they call Kahlua milk) was a pleasure.

I sang a lot that night. In addition to my songs, I knew almost all of nicks, and Yuka, one of the AKP joint seminar students, sang a lot of English songs that I popped in for. We had a lot of fun talking between songs, and I always appreciate the chance to make new friends. Yuka had to leave right around the time Ai showed up, at which point I was singing Faye Wong's "Eyes on Me". I was surprised when Ai, hearing the song, exclaimed "I love this song!" and joined right in. As it turns out, she's played Final Fantasy VII through X.

I know we went to an Izakaya later that night, but it was pretty standard fare. I was able to get back home on time, which was nice. What wasn't so nice was having to miss out on the second party by the Kamo, but it couldn't be helped - I was in no mood to sleep at karaoke.

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