Saturday, December 1, 2012

Kiyomizu Revisited, and Kyodai Festival, Part 2

Friday was a big day made of many little things. First off, I went over to Yodobashi Camera to buy my host mom a webcam so she could Skype some of the previous exchange students. I bought one of the 'starter models', which I figured would be the best deal for the price. I doubt she needs the top of the line model anyway. On my way to the checkout counter, a small kid goes running by, crying and shouting for his mom. A store attendant saw him, and went over to help him find his parents. Something about seeing this warmed my heart; I guess I'm a sucker for that sort of thing.

Next up was a trip to Nano Universe. My bag, the one I bought three months ago with Hidehiro, was broken - the zipper came right off. Haruhi's mother came to the rescue, calling the store and using her motherly powers to get them to replace the damaged bag. I swear, she's the Japanese version of my mom back home. I walked into the store, and the shopkeeper immediately asked if I was the exchange student he had heard about. Within five minutes, I had a brand new bag in exchange for the broken one. It's hard to find words to describe how grateful I am to Haruhi's mom...again. The timing is perfect, what with Thanksgiving and all.

I met up with Dani at Kyoto Station, and we took a bus on over to Kiyomizu-dera again. If you're wondering why I went to the same place twice in two days, it's because I really wanted to go to the shrine inside of the temple. We went, prayed, and bought good luck charms. I can't say no to a little luck, now, can I?

Afterwards, we went to Kiyomizu's main attraction: the fresh spring water. As always, the tastiest and purest water I've drank. It was Dani's first time at Kiyomizu, so I insisted she try it out. Since we were getting hungry, we popped into this restaurant inside of the temple. I got kitsune udon, and Dani got tsukimi udon. It was surprisingly good: both fresh and flavorful.

Having finished, we went on over to Kyodai's school festival. By now, it was in full swing. The entirety of the campus was filled with booths, shops, performances, and various displays. I first went to find Haruhi, although it took about a half hour to do so. Finally, I found the stand she and her friends were running – it was some sort of Korean okonomiyaki. I introduced her to Dani, but simultaneously got a call from Nick, who had just arrived. Like me, he wasn't familiar with Kyoto University's campus yet, so I ran over to the field to find him. It took about ten minutes to find my way there and back.

Introducing Nick to Haruhi was an interesting experience. It was less of a first introduction, and more of putting a face to the person she heard so much about. I guess Nick has become something of a celebrity among my non-Doshisha friends. We were all pretty hungry, so we bought some of the Korean pancakes. It was pretty good, all things considered. As expected of Kyodai students, after all.

Next, we decided to wander around. We checked out the Astronomy Society, which had constructed a planetarium. Unfortunately, we missed the show. We bought some food, and thanks to Dani, I got tricked into a tequila shot. Unfortunate. The guy we bought it from was an NBA fan and was pretty interested in talking with foreigners, so it was fun to talk with him.

We checked out a bunch of other clubs, including the computer gaming club (where Nick played a bunch of games the club had made), before deciding to head home. Well, not right away. The three of us marched onwards to Book-Off, where we helped Nick pick out a DS. Fun times were had, as always.

When I got to the station, I headed towards the bus. I normally walk, but it’s gotten too cold to do that. I need winter clothes. Anyway, as I turned the corner towards the bus stop, this enormous golden retriever lumbers slowly towards me. Like a freaking bear, that thing. Anyway, I ignore it, but this one lady goes over and pets it. As I wait for the bus, a man, who looks like a shop attendant, walks around the corner, searching for the dog. It turns out that he and his wife own the dog, but sometimes it walks off, and goes as far as the station. He had to push the beastie to get it moving. It was hilarious and adorable to watch, the big doggie lumbering him with the man following him closely behind.

Arriving at home, I packed my bags, and went to bed early. After all, I was finally going on vacation.

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