Sunday, September 30, 2012

What Goes Up, Must Come Down...

Remember how awesome yesterday was? Invert that, and you have today.

Well, okay, maybe it wasn't THAT bad. It sucked a lot though. First of all, I was woken up at 7:00am. Okaasan shouted "SAM! TIME TO GET UP! RAKUGO TODAY!"

So I groggily get myself ready. Eat breakfast too quickly. Drag the suitcase with Rakugo stuff through the train station, and wait for the express. And then, out of nowhere, this little blue parakeet (?!) swoops down and lands on the head of this lady sitting next to me, who freaks out. The bird flies away, leaving pretty much everyone shocked. What the hell? Parakeets don't live in Kyoto... Maybe someone's pet got away? Okaasan didn't quite understand my explanation, though. She thinks it was a pigeon. That was no pigeon.

I'll spare you the details on setup. It was bad.

Silver lining 1 of 2: I look great in yukata. Thank god.
Silver lining 2 of 2: I made a new friend, even if she does go to Ritsumeikan, Doshisha's rival school.

The rakugo was actually pretty good too. But by intermission, one of the worst possible things happened. For the first time in over a year, I had one of those killer can't-open-your-eyes migraines. I had to take a walk somewhere quiet until it settled down. By the time I got back, I was late. Which was bad.

The last of the performances was REALLY good. I mean, the premise was funny, and the acting was stellar. It involved getting castle guards drunk, and then tricking them into drinking a bottle of pee. Kind of childish, but hilarious nonetheless.

Skip the cleanup, fast forward to the afterparty. Wait, no. I forgot - when we left KoKoKa, it was pouring. Did I mention we had a typhoon today? We took a cab to the afterparty, with me protecting my manbag with all my might. Note to self - bring the waterproof bag when a typhoon is predicted.

Anyway, afterparty taught me why I don't drink with adults. I only had one beer, but I gotta say...I just didn't enjoy it the way I do when I hang out with my friends. Luckily, Akira was there, so I had someone to talk with. But we kept getting roped into other conversations, which was kind of tiring.

Worst of all, on the way home, the migraine struck again. Worst commute home ever. Okaasan didn't really get what a migraine was, so she kept on talking at me. She actually suggested I eat grapes to feel better. I have never heard a more 関係ない statement in my life.

I guess that was the entirety of my day. Sorry that it was all complaining today. The quality of this blog is usually much higher, but I guess the quality of my days are also usually higher too. Here's to a not-suck week leading up to the accursed Okayama trip!

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