Sunday, August 26, 2012

Spa World and the Most Dangerous Place in Osaka

Another day living the life. Today Hide and I went to Spa World, a kind of mega pool-water park-spa-resort thing. After a 30 minute wait, we got in, got changed, and floated around in a sort of lazy river. It was super crowded; if we were in America, people would have been hurt. Next was a Japanese style bath. Rule #1, folks: eyes to yourself. I don't care if people stare at you, just stay at eye level. There were many types of baths, sort of an around-the-world feeling. Plus two saunas: hot and HOLY SHIT MY NOSE BURNS WHEN I BREATHE hot. Guess which one I tried...

Afterwards, we went to Shin Osaka, allegedly a "dangerous" area. Really now, it was totally fine. Just have the common sense not to leave your stuff behind and all is well. From there, we walked to America Town. Well, I would have named it Rapper Town: all the stores featured rap music and the fashion to go along with it. Kind of interesting to see what the Japanese image of America is.

We did monjayaki for dinner (if you don't know what that is, GGRKS), and then a quick karaoke trip. By quick, I mean an hour. But it flew by so swiftly I was shocked when we got the 10 minute warning. Walking back to the station, Hide and I were talking about singers we like, when I experienced my first unpleasant situation. The trains were delayed due to a suicide. Now, last time I was in Japan, a similar thing happened, but I wasn't sure and didn't really understand. This time I did. What a buzz kill, I tell you. The atmosphere for me was as heavy as a sack of bricks.

Luckily, on the way to another train station (the Hankyu was cancelled for obvious reasons), I heard a beautiful voice singing, and discovered that there was a random live performance. I believe her name was Juri Kado- I'll get back to you on that. Suffice to say, she was good. Put me back in a cheery mood.

We stopped at a 7-11 and picked up my Choucho concert ticket (again, GGRKS), which I am looking forward to like you wouldn't believe.

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