Monday, August 27, 2012

Today I Ate Some Cows

Well, it IS true. Today's adventures brought me to the fantastic city of Kobe. Each city I've been to has its own flavor. Kobe is very serene, has a somewhat more romantic feel to it, and it's very well known for its jazz culture. All in all, a nice place to be. After a little window shopping, we took a break in the China Town section of Kobe, and had some reimen (れいめん)。Just think cold ramen - it's super refreshing in the summertime! Today's main objective was to find me a bag, and find me a bag we did. It's not really the style in America, but I've got myself a Japanese tote now.

Following this purchase, Hidehiro and I sang karaoke for 2 hours. Sounds like a long time, right? Actually, 2 hours is perfect: it's enough so that you can sing all you want, but not so much that you lose your voice. I totally nailed some of my favorite songs, and then messed up a bunch more. I even got to bust out Professor Leupp's favorite Kawashima Eigo(渋い)。

Unfortunately, Hide had to go to Tokyo for an internship - I'm looking forward to meeting him again. He's been a great role model and friend. I spent the rest of the day at the Fujiwara household, pretty much chatting. So I guess my Japanese is getting to the point where I can converse for hours now. Things are coming along well. Anyway, for dinner, Haruhi's dad brought home bento from his business meeting, containing the world renowned  Kobe beef. Let me tell you, it was good. I mean, REALLY good. Even though it was a little fatty, the meat was very tender, super flavorful, and very filling.

Tomorrow, I have to leave here to go to Kyoto. I'm kind of sad about it - I feel really at home here. I'm sure if the Fujiwara's were my host family, things would go super well. But it's not like I'm going to miss out on that much - after all, I'll definitely come back to visit. I owe a lot of my new confidence to this family. I hope that they had as much fun as I did staying here.

Today, Amagasaki, tomorrow, the World!

That's funny, because World is a club in Kyoto.

Ah, and that reminded me of one last thing. I accidentally made a really funny Japanese joke today. When asking Haruhi's mother about something, I tilted my head slightly, and then realized that that's considered feminine in Japan. When I pointed this out, hysteria ensued. I'll be just fine here, just you wait and see.

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